Meet Me

Hi there!

I'm Ashley!  In June, I'll be twenty-two, and I'm currently residing in beautiful Scottsdale, Arizona.  I am a graduate of Arizona State University with a Bachelor of Science degree in Family and Human Development.  Although born and raised a Phoenician, I've always considered myself a Nebraskan at heart.  After coming to the U.S. many years ago, my ancestors settled into the small, charming town of Stromsburg, NE, where much of my family continued to live until my parent's generation.  I am of Swedish, English, German, and Dutch decent, but am often told I look Italian, Brazilian, Greek, or Latina.  What do you think?  I am so in love with the most incredible Canadian man, my wonderful fiancé, Reid Simpson.  We met as Seniors in high school and have been dating for a very blessed 4 and a half years... but who's counting? :) We will be getting married on our Five Year Anniversary- Thursday, November 20th, 2014.  I have a great passion for all things creative. Some of my absolute favorite things (& people) include :

Jesus, vanilla earl grey tea, screenplay writing, family, Reid, singing, travel, yoga, mornings, crafting, fashion, friends, kale pizza, peonies, Colorado, a plant-based Vegan diet, boating, cozy reading nooks, big cities, fitness, coffee dates, exploring new places, baking, snow skiing, shark week, Lululemon, sunshine yellow, Nebraska, strawberries, rhododendrons, British Columbia, and dessert.

I am entering such a thrilling time in life and feel that blogging is the best way to capture the special moments so I may remember them all years from now. As I prepare my heart to become the best wife I can possibly be, I invite and encourage you to join my journey. I'll be taking note of everyday memories, conquering crafty DIYs, trying out delicious new recipes, and sharing my love for the Lord through this new, exciting venture, Thread of Pearls.  I'm prayerful that I may gain many pearls of wisdom and grow tremendously throughout this entire experience. Thanks for coming along.  I know we will become fast friends!

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