Thursday, June 05, 2014

New Beginnings.

After an incredibly long, unexpected hiatus from blogging,  I am back,  and ready to relaunch this exciting adventure. My last post was way back in August of 2012 (oops), and so much life has happened since then, so I'm ready for a new beginning. It is going to take me multiple pages to bring you up-to-date, so I'll take it piece by piece, incorporating new, joyful experiences in my life all the while. Many major milestones have occurred over the past year and nine months that I will begin by highlighting in a huge way.

First of all, Reid and I got  engaged!!! I get to  marry the love of my life! He popped the question in an amazingly romantic way on Tuesday, September 10th, 2013. Even though we have known marriage was in our future from our very first (incredibly beautiful) date, I was totally taken by surprise and rendered speechless, when he got down on bended knee and asked me to be his wife. I will share every last detail of our engagement story in a future post, along with some of our stunning engagement photos taken by the brilliantly talented Trevor Dayley Photography. (They truly deserve an entire post of their own). Reid and I will be tying the knot in front of our closest friends and family on Thursday, November 20th, 2014. It will be our Five Year Anniversary of dating, on the day we commit the rest of our lives to one another. We couldn't possibly be more excited! All of the glory goes to God.

There are oodles of other updates to share: Reid becoming an Ironman, his University Graduation, and my University Graduation, are just to name a few. For now, I am going to leave you with a teaser of engagement photos that are so dear to me and my love. We hope you enjoy them as much as we have!

Check back soon for all sorts of other lovey dovey photos of me and my soon-to-be hubby!

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