Friday, June 06, 2014

Fashion Friday: Floral Sundresses.

Happy Friday, friends! Today I am not only thrilled that the weekend is mere hours away, but I am also very excited to announce a new series I am launching on Thread of Pearls. For the next several months, every Friday on the blog will officially be  Fashion Friday!

Now, I'm not claiming to be a fashion expert, by any means. However, I am a bubbly, vibrant, twenty-one-year-old lady with a fun style that reflects my personality perfectly. That's gotta count for something, right? I will be linking the names and prices of each featured item to the website I found them, making your cyber browsing (and shopping!) a breeze. So without further ado, I present to you the very first edition of Fashion Friday. Hooray!

My 12 Favorite Floral ModCloth Summer Sundresses

Did I mention that each of these gorgeous frocks are affordable too? (Bonus!) Have a great weekend!

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