Friday, June 13, 2014

Fashion Friday: Patterned Shorts.

Hey, friends! Happy Friday!! It's a beautiful, albeit hot 103º in Scottsdale right now. Our summer has officially begun, although it's only getting toastier from here. Inspired by our rather warm weather lately, for today's Fashion Friday post, I decided to highlight on an absolute essential this season in the blazing AZ sun: patterned shorts. They are funky, fresh, and the perfect pop of color when paired with a solid, simple tank top or tee. One of my favorite cyber-shopping destinations over the past couple years has come to be  Spool No.72.  It's a flavorful online boutique that specializes in trendy prints and exciting statement pieces. I urge you to check it out, as their prices are beyond reasonable, and they frequently have great sales on top of that. Woohoo! Here we go:
My 15 Favorite Spool No.72 Patterned Shorts

Which are your favorites? Let me know in the comments below!

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