Wednesday, July 11, 2012

Weekending With the Mammels.

There are not many things I cherish more than special time away;  And that is exactly what God so lovingly provided for Reid and I last weekend.

On Friday afternoon, we left Reid's parent's beautiful Tsawwassen home and headed off on the scenic, two hour drive to Chilliwack, British Columbia.  We had a couple exciting, eventful days before us.  The Mammel Family, (Reid's older sister, Ashley, and her wonderful hubby Kevin), were our beyond-gracious hosts for the weekend.  They completely spoiled us from start to finish with amazing food, wonderful entertainment, and trips to each of the fun Chilliwack must-sees.

Here is a little taste of our incredible weekend in pictures & bullet points:
  • we met up with Ashley and Kevin at the Mammel family farm, Lyba Farms, owned by Kev's parents
  • Ashley took us out to Booster Juice for delicious fruit smoothies, while we waited for Kevin to finish up at work
  • dinner prep at the Mammel's lovely suite commenced

Home-cut yam fries, ready to be popped into the oven!

Yummy fresh-sliced veggies.

Vegan chickpea burgers.

  • the four of us sat down to a scrumptious, healthy dinner, complete with ginger root beer and vegan chipotle aioli dipping sauce - two of my favorites!

The spread of burger-fixings.

Perfectly crisped and seasoned yam fries.

The complete meal... ready to be devoured.

  • after our bellies were full, Ashley and Kevin brought us to the stunning, new home they're building

In two weeks, it will be ready for move-in!

Such a remarkable view of Chilliwack from their balcony.

  • later in the evening, we played Settlers of Catan, our new favorite board game, for hours
  • a sweet dessert rounded out our night as we chatted and laughed until the early morning hours
  • we awoke Saturday morning to a delicious breakfast of gourmet oatmeal with flavorful toppings, created by Ash
  • a breathtaking morning hike up a local Chilliwack mountain was next on our list

I absolutely adore all of the lush greenery.

  • as Kevin headed off to a "Stag" (what's known in the states as a Bachelor Party), Ashley, Reid, and I went to several charming shops around Chilliwack
  • we then ate a tasty lunch and headed to Waves for another round of refreshing fruit smoothies
  • Ash brought us to beautiful Cultus Lake in the afternoon, where we relaxed and basked in the sunshine
  • on our last adventure of the day, the four of us went out for a lovely dinner at Dakota's, along with Doug, Reid and Ashley's loving Step-Dad
Talk about a memorable, meaningful weekend.  We had such a wonderful time and were overwhelmed by how cared for and loved we felt.  Reid and I couldn't have possibly been more blessed with amazing family (and friends).  Ash and Kev, thank you so much!  We would be honored to tour you both around Scottsdale anytime. 

Love you, Mammels!!

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